Friday, March 15, 2013

God of Mercy and Compassion Look with pity upon me (Hymn)

This hymn is so relevant for us all. Let us self reflect on how our sins affect not just us as individuals but Christ's body on this earth, HIS Church as well. Let us pray for pardon for our failings and for strength to get back into a state of grace.... God bless you.


Prayer for our new Holy Father - Pope Francis

Lets pray for our new Holy Father, Pope Francis. Please keep him in your prayers and if possible offer a few of your Lenten sacrifices, be it abstinence or a fast for him. God Bless you.


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

What does it mean to be Catholic in today's world? There are many lies and distortions placed upon the Church by the world and the evil spirits that prowl it. So we must proclaim the truth loudly!

We must be a people of joy, a people of faith, hope, and love. We must proclaim our faith not only in words but in who we are and what we do, each and every day.

We are Catholic, and that means taking up our crosses, walking in the path of Christ, and loving one another while conforming our hearts to God's.

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Twitter: @Dfendusinbattle